Community Radio

Kangala Radio serves the community of the Highveld (Western region) of Mpumalanga effectively. Communities without telephones in the houses, use the Radio to pass on messages to their own friends and relatives. The Mpumalanga Government also supplies the Radio with weekly bulletins of government activities.

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This second four year application by Kangala Radio is an indication of the need for the station in its broadcast area. Kangala Radio is used as an empowering tool to infuse self-confidence in the youth of our disadvantaged communities. As a result of this exercise bigger stations of the SABC like the Ndebele medium station Kwekwezi, have already recruited 10 of our presenters for themselves. Kangala Community Radio is used as a good training ground for self discipline by the youth residing in the broadcast area of the station.

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Kangala Radio serves the community of the Highveld (Western region) of Mpumalanga effectively. Communities without telephones in the houses, use the Radio to pass on messages to their own friends and relatives. The Mpumalanga Government.